Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 6/28/16
Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 5/22/18
Revisions Adopted by President’s Cabinet 3/23/21


十大正规网赌平台 strives to make the institutional environment for its students, faculty and staff protective of human dignity and trust, effective in fostering communication, and respectful of the value of conflict as a normal aspect of human interaction and organization to promote debate and herald change. EGSC冲突解决的目标 政策 is to achieve timely, equitable and satisfactory resolutions at the lowest possible level, in a cost-effective manner and with intention to reduce conflict recurrence.


“Conflict Resolution” as defined in this policy is a non-binding and voluntary mediation process for disputes involving one or more of the college’s faculty, staff or students, 包括学生雇员. The 冲突解决策略 does not apply to resolve an allegation that an employee sexually harassed a student as defined in the EGSC 不当性行为政策. Such complaints should be reported to the 第九条 Coordinator and handled under the formal resolution procedures outlined in the Sexual Misconduct 政策.

Conflict Resolution is designed to be used only when the individual’s resort to first and second-line supervisors has failed to resolve the conflict. 冲突涉及 promotion, tenure, salary and nonrenewal of contracts shall not be appropriate for the consideration by the Conflict Resolution Committee.


The purpose of the Conflict Resolution Committee is to provide education and awareness about conflict resolution as a non-binding and voluntary mediation process for resolving 涉及教职工和学生的纠纷. 人力资源总监是 responsible for receiving requests for conflict resolution, arranging mediation and 维护请求和中介的记录. 委员会由主任组成 人力资源, 第九条 Coordinator, Director of 住房, Director of Student Conduct, Chief of Police and one faculty member elected by the faculty.


Faculty, staff and students that have failed to resolve a conflict with first and second line supervisors, may request conflict resolution by contacting the Director 人力资源. The conflict resolution process is voluntary and its goal is to reach a signed agreement defining the future behavior of the parties.

Upon receipt of a request for conflict resolution, the Director 人力资源 will review the request to determine whether the dispute is within the scope of this policy, verifying the consent of both parties to conflict resolution and that attempts to resolve the conflict with first and second line supervisors have failed. 如果 Director 人力资源 determines that the dispute does not qualify for the conflict resolution process, the Director 人力资源 will inform the parties to the dispute of any other process applicable to that dispute as provided by the Board of Regents policy, the EGSC Statutes or the 政策 and Procedure Manual of the College.

After the Director 人力资源 has evaluated and determined that the dispute qualifies for conflict resolution, the Director 人力资源 will contact an external individual qualified as a mediator under standards established by the University 格鲁吉亚的系统听取了争议. 人力资源总监会安排 the mediation and inform the parties to the dispute of the date, time and location. The mediator will facilitate the discussion to assist the parties in reaching a mutually 令人愉快的解决方案. At the conclusion of the conflict resolution process, the mediator will recommend a resolution to the parties and to the President. 总统将 review the recommended resolution and may reject a resolution that is not consistent with the policies and procedures of 十大正规网赌平台 and the Board of Regents, 不切实际和/或财务上轻率的. 如果双方不能就令人满意的 resolution or the recommended resolution is rejected, the mediator will refer the parties to any other process applicable to the dispute as provided by the Board of Regents policy or the 政策 and Procedure Manual of the College.

If a party has filed a grievance, but prior to its resolution by the grievance committee the complaining party elects mediation and both parties agree to mediate, the complaining 一方可以选择不受申诉. 在这次选择退出的选举中,时钟停止了 申诉过程. If a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the complaining party may opt in and continue with the grievance.


Any party to conflict resolution shall not be harassed, intimidated or otherwise penalized 使用这个过程. If, as a result of using conflict resolution, a party believes that retaliatory actions have been made, the party should seek redress as provided by the Board of Regents policy or the 政策 and Procedure Manual of the College.